Alfa-Bank — Investments

The product grew from a single team to eight, with processes becoming more mature. I joined at the start of these changes and will detail my impact and the challenges I faced to bring the product into the TOP-10 in the investment market.

The product grew from a single team to eight, with processes becoming more mature. I joined at the start of these changes and will detail my impact and the challenges I faced to bring the product into the TOP-10 in the investment market.


Aug 2020 – Jul 2022


Senior Product Designer


Feature Owner, Process Organization, Mentor,

UX/UI Design, Prototyping, Research,

Usability Testing, Analytics

Feature Owner, Process Organization, Mentor,

UX/UI Design, Prototyping, Research, Usability Testing, Analytics

Designer without a Team

During the hiring process for new designers and forming my product team, I took on the role of a product designer in three new teams. During this time, I designed various types of fund transfer systems, simplified the user experience, and developed a new e-signature design. I also created a user feedback collection system and integrated the product's design system with Alfa-Bank.

Designer with Own Team

Main Team Objective: Improving the brokerage account opening funnel through a new entry and opening process for both new and existing Alfa-Bank clients. This included developing a new visual language and marketing campaigns. We conducted analyses and implemented a new authentication method to improve the account opening funnel.

Authorization and Account Opening

To achieve these goals, I researched the legacy path and design, simplified the user journey, created mockups, conducted usability tests, wrote reports, and iteratively improved the path and design based on feedback. The process included design critique sessions, demonstrations, and backlog filling for future iterations. Despite challenges like multiple negative scenarios, a cumbersome backend, and a complex marketing process, the task was completed successfully.

The result was a chat-based registration and authorization with friendly, engaging text and strong marketing support, including a brand ambassador. The number of brokerage accounts opened increased by 13.6%, marking a success for this iteration.

Ready-Made Strategies Service "Advisor"

To attract new clients and retain existing ones with portfolios over 6 million rubles, I developed the service considering different strategies and risk levels. As part of developing the ready-made strategies service, we implemented a key feature for the entire product—the ability to purchase an unlimited number of instruments in one action. After releasing this feature, the product's AUM (assets under management) increased by the expected 5%.

Other Tasks

  • Developed an MVP for investment tool collections.

  • Redesigned the "More" section.

  • Updated the app settings center.

  • Updated the client’s personal account.

  • Created an education section.

  • Designed a gamification concept for profile completion.

  • Redesigned PIN code login.

Designer in Two Teams

While hiring for another product team, I temporarily filled in for a designer. In my team, I supported tasks at various development stages, while actively developing and supporting new features in the new team.

Tasks Completed

  • Supported the onboarding process for new users.

  • Developed and supported a strategy for attracting new users.

  • Updated the app's branding style.

  • Managed necessary communications and provided expert support.

After launching the user engagement feature (first transaction), new user activation increased by 7%.

Upon completing the hiring process, I handed over the backlog and helped the new designer integrate, mentoring them. I conducted training, assisted with creating mockups, and participated in communication and organizing the first design critique sessions.

Designer & Product Owner

When the product owner left the team, I leveraging my deep knowledge of the product, clients, and both frontend and backend operations, partially took on the product owner role for Alfa Investments' flagship task for the next six months.

As Product Owner

  • Coordinated the work of three external teams.

  • Engaged external participants in the process.

  • Organized and led meetings.

  • Made decisions considering development capabilities, timelines, and workload.

  • Compiled an events table for development.

  • Ensured integration with the cross-product team.

As Designer

  • Mapped out a comprehensive user journey.

  • Gradually improved the scheme in collaboration with the cross-functional team.

  • Created a harmonious user interface using two component libraries.

  • Conducted mockup reviews with developers.

  • Prepared mockups for various platforms.

  • Led design critique sessions.

  • Developed prototypes and conducted demonstrations.

  • Delivered mockups for development.

Collaborating with a temporary product owner allowed me to gain valuable practical experience. With the arrival of a new permanent product owner and analyst, we formed an effective working group to tackle new tasks.

Working with Product Designers

I led the web team, organized and conducted meetings, mentored two designers, and conducted design reviews and workshops.

Crisis Activities Post-Sanctions

  • Adapted functionality to new conditions.

  • Conducted emergency planning and organization.

  • Worked in weekly sprints to improve efficiency.

  • Rescheduled mid-term tasks in response to changes.

  • Jointly distributed tasks among team members.

  • Proactively proposed and provided assistance.

  • Consulted the cross-functional team during the transition period.

  • Provided user experience expertise and developed adaptive web design for the cross-product.