Created a management tool ecosystem for superapp platform, integrating features with core-products. Led a course for new developers of the platform and improving processes within the design and development teams.
July 2022 – now
Senior Product Designer
Leading, Process Organization,
UX/UI Design, Prototyping, Research
Product Impact
Dashboard for Moderators
Moderators of the superapp lacked a unified tool and had to navigate a complicated process across multiple platforms.
The solution was a single application management dashboard that considered both the current and desired workflows. I conducted interviews and usability tests, created a concept, and iteratively improved it based on feedback.
As a result, a new, simpler, and more intuitive application management process was developed, featuring enhanced navigation, an interface with prioritized functions, and support for different moderator roles. Additionally, new features for the future were added, such as statistics and the ability to handle new types of applications. Overall, the time required to process an application was reduced by 30%.
Dashboard for Developers
The previous management dashboard did not support feature expansion, new features were added without a well-thought-out logic, and the interface was inferior to competitors, resulting in negative feedback from developers and the business.
The solution was to create a new application management dashboard in the superapp for 300K developers and a new audience.
To systematize work and achieve goals, I developed a framework involving experts, allowing each feature to be thoroughly worked out and approved before development. Thanks to the framework and prompt action, I earned the trust of the development team and the CPO, subsequently leading the feature development process from writing specifications to handing them off to development, involving over 10 participants. Decisions were based on user needs analysis and architectural legacy. Each new feature required studying and refining the use case, undergoing design critique and design review sessions. I updated texts with editors and technical writers, improved the user experience and interface, received feedback from a loyal audience, and fixed critical errors before release.
The new management dashboard includes revamped features, updated work logic, a new section structure, friendly texts, a new application status display, a checklist system, tips, and onboarding for newcomers. I created a product guide with examples, a UI kit, a component library, and instructions. I mentored another designer, transferring knowledge, and compiled a list of design debts for future improvements.
Dashboard for Developers (No-Code Creation)
Created a design for a new product targeting an audience without programming skills, aiming to reach 100 million users on VKontakte and be available in the catalog for 50 million users.
Based on a new developer dashboard, I simplified it into several scenarios. To expedite tasks, I decomposed and delegated them to another designer, guiding them through the process. Implemented customization of the content part, developed a system for handling requests, led the creation of texts and prompts, and devised onboarding for new users. To ensure clarity of the entire application creation process, introduced a checklist system, leaving room for feature expansion.
The new tool allows for creating an application without code within an hour, depending on content filling, with a simplified moderation system. If a developer wants to add features, manage the application more flexibly, and work with code, they can switch to the new developer dashboard, which includes special onboarding and offers a new developer training course, which I will discuss further.
Integrations with Core-products
To drive the development of the superapp platform, integrations with VKontakte products were conducted. The goal of these integrations was to introduce the audience to new features, increase time spent, immerse users in the superapp ecosystem, and mutually enhance metrics through individual services and games.
Working at the intersection of the feed and services, I implemented an app advertisement block. The result was a new type of content introducing users to superapp services.
I developed call operation scenarios within services. The result was a universal dialer for different services, addressing various interaction cases. The number of participants in control services increased.
I developed usage scenarios for services, reviewed the shortlist of applications for integration, enhanced functionality, and addressed ethical considerations for future development. The result was the release of a new feature in the messenger, increasing user engagement and improving metrics for the superapp services.
Added a section for services and games, improved the product's UX and addressed UI defects. Users can now save and find their favorite services and games more quickly.
Customize "Services" Section (MAU 53M)
The "Services" section serves as the showcase of the superapp within the VKontakte mobile application. To enhance the value of this section, I proposed a tool for customizing mini-widgets for two platforms.
I developed a clear mechanism for managing and ranking content, created entry points and double onboarding for users to access the feature, and adjusted the section terminology to align with the new user experience.
After implementation, there was an increase in quality metrics and time spent on some services' mini-widgets. This customization feature became one of the favorites across all of VKontakte.
Process Organization
Leading the First Technical Course
As an experienced instructor, I organized a team of speakers and proposed design topics for a course for service developers.
Key aspects of my influence on the course included:
Developed the program and distributed the workload.
Proposed the idea of a mini-application integrated throughout the course for learning and practice.
Worked on the user flow and functionality of the application, considering the development team's plans and goals.
For the course, we conducted professional video shoots where I explained the processes of design, prototyping, analytics, and research.
Design Review Process in the Design Team
To organize the workflow of the young design team for the superapp, a system of design review sessions was introduced. My role included the following:
Proposed a framework for the review process.
Organized the space for conducting reviews.
Introduced a checklist system for hosts and speakers.
Established a system for the rotation of review leadership.
Developed and sustained the initiative over time.
Weekly improvements to the review process.
Worked with feedback from speakers and the team lead.
Planned process improvements for the reviews.
Conducted workshops with speakers to enhance quality.
As a result, the review process became efficient and easily adoptable for new designers, maintaining high interest in the sessions within the team.
Work on Infrastructure in the Superapp
Changed the process of working with marketing materials within the team.
Conducted design review sessions for over 25 participants.
Led and moderated meetings of the superapp design team.
Improved internal processes within the product design team.
Organized the work of fellow designers to solve cross-functional tasks.
Initiated the creation of a user photo bank and its integration into a data substitution plugin for all designers.
Proposed a scalable solution for communication between designers and editors for the entire design and editing department.
Application Review Process
As a reviewer of new services in the superapp, I managed to:
Improved the mini-app review process, reducing time and optimizing the workflow.
Enhanced the design guide for third-party mini-app developers, reducing review comments and increasing the quality of design solutions.
Expanded the guide for contractors and organized working groups to review numerous services.
Mentored a new designer to full independence and engagement in the project.
+200K DAU across all VKontakte after the launch of the "Rewards Calendar" service in 2022
+130K DAU in Messenger after service integrations in 2022
x10 DAU / from 600 to 76K DAU / record launches — service data after integration into Messenger in 2022